Friday, January 11, 2008

The day started early again, as Trudy and I lay awake in bed thinking about the new unit, and all the things we needed to do and get for it. We went to the “Home Depot” equivalent on the island to purchase a tape measure so we could measure a few things in the unit. They gave us two new ball caps with the purchase of the measuring tape :) We then headed over to the unit and spent about an hour taking more pictures, inspecting, and measuring anything that was nailed down. We had an 11 am appointment with Martijn, the real-estate agent to actually sign the documents, but a power failure on the island knocked out their server with all the information, so we simply have to wait.

In the afternoon we did a dive at Bari Reef, which we have done on other trips and enjoyed. On this one I took some video, which is viewable below. Sorry no photos, just moving pictures.

In this video you will see me bugging a small school of Grunts.

In this video you see a White Spotted Filefish, one of my favorites.

In this video you see a couple of Trumpetfish

In this video you see a Spotted Moray swimming in the open. They are not normally seen in the open in the daytime. This guy was almost 5ft long.

In this one you see the Smooth Trunkfish, with a Rock Beauty swimming by.

In this one of a Peacock Flounder I followed.

1 comment:

Annette said...

Congratulations on your purchase! We are so jealous!