Sunday, January 13, 2008

Just another boat dive

The morning started early, as Pat and Natalie were leaving on a 7 am flight. Natalie was sick all night, looked like food poisoning. This was the second person in our party to get food poisoning this year, and Natalie got it on a previous trip.

Later in the morning we went on another two tank boat dive. We were not alone on the boat, but almost; there was only four of us in total; Trudy, myself, the Capitan, and a new diver working at Yellow Submarine to become a Dive Master. Both dives were nice, but not as spectacular as yesterdays.

In the afternoon we had a nap. :)

For the full set of photos visit my Smugmug Account.

This is a photo of a Sharpnose Puffer.

This is a photo of a Queen Angelfish, which have all been pretty shy this trip.
This is a shot of a Moray Eel.
This is a close-up shot of the Sharpnose Puffer, these guys are about 2 inches long.

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