Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Another Shopping day, and afternoon dive

The morning saw us doing more shopping. In the late afternoon we drove to the south end of the Island and dove at a site called Margate Bay. This dive turned out to be one of the top three dives on Bonaire.

We saw three different Turtles, and I got some shots of them below.

We also saw our first Scralled Filefish for this year, and I got a few shots of him.

In addition we saw the largest Green Moray Eel swimming in the open. He looked to be at least 6 feet long, if not longer. I was unable to get a good shot of him because as soon as he saw us he took off deeper, very quickly.

The full set of photos can be found on Smugmug.

1 comment:

Annette said...

Hi again, the video shots are awesome. I especially like the sound effects. Almost makes me feel that I am there - not!