Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The morning started relatively early with some web surfing, and blog updates. We also saw this big cruise ship come into port. Pat was sick last night with food poisoning from a new restaurant.

In the afternoon we managed to enjoy another dive at one of our favorite sites, "Karpata". It was a short dive as I was having difficulties with my mask leaking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Gord and Trudy,

Glad to hear you are both feeling better. Sounds like all of you have had your share of illness on the trip. Hopefully that is over and all are in the clear. I found an interesting job posting for you but don't have your email address. Let me know what it is and I'll send it to you. The date is Jan 23rd. Let me know if you want me to send it to you. I know you're on vacation and all but ... you know... Love the pics and check your blog every morning with my coffee.

